A versatile episode from the self proclaimed “NRL Podcast of the Century”
- ORIGIN - Our favourite Morris twins are getting all GATTACA on Origin. What will their jerseys say, who will present them and can teammates tell the difference between the two? Also, can Bellamy choose state over Storm? How big can a squad get? We also discuss what we’re going to if NSW win or lose.
- Retirement Rituals - Celebrity goal kicks, players crying and last hit-ups are some of the things we discuss about soon to be NRL has beens.
- Maverick Coaches -Brian Smith consumes at least 95% of our every waking thoughts. He’s an amateur psychologist obsessed with texting; a true inspiration for all those budding sociopaths out there. Matt Elliot may also be crazy...or a genius...or a crazy genius.
- Equipment - Head Gear; does it have a real or only perceived benefit and will it one day go the way of the shoulder pads? Also, how much do your balls weigh. This segment is sponsored by “Consumerist Man”.
- Shout out to Kingy - We have a new Matt King to focus on. This one was given Queen Lizzy’s seal of approval, is a Pommy rugby league player and was probably not a former garbo. Fight to the death Matt King’s...Fight for our affection!
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