Thursday, April 26, 2012

Episode 5 - Addendum Hour

To download episode - CLICK HERE

It’s episode 5, which is also the name of a great 90’s boy band (they spelt it 5ive). We’d like to think we are the 5ive of the NRL podcasting world.

This week:
  • The Penny Panthers - After being held to nil 2 weeks in a row, we implore the OAK Choccy Milk Moustache Pantheros to show some pride. Do it for Girds for godsake. Or is it just a symptom of the AFL sinkhole?
  • Unimmortal - With so much talk about who should be the next Immortal, we have decided to give some coverage to the ‘kinda’ greats of the game. We’d like you to put forward your views and we'll tally up the suggestions over the year. To qualify to be an Unimmortal you must never have played represtative football (Origin or International) or have never won a grand final.
  • Raiders vs the Storm - The Raiders are on a head on collision with our fast moving bandwagon...The Sharkies! Will Lobby abandon the bandwagon by jumping off and rolling in the dust like a sticky hand from a showbag?
  • Family ties in the NRL - The Sims brothers have reminded us of the brotherly love in the NRL. There’s plenty of other examples (the Macdougalls, the Hoppas, Mathers Marshall) so we think we might have to call in Schubert and his Salary Cap Cops to make sure everything is legit with brothers at the same club.
  • Park Footy - We made the best of the NRL free weekend and made our way to Henson Park, home of the Newtown Jets. There were NRL players on and off the field, constant flyovers by team mascots and we were even rewarded for our community service with VB tins.
  • Shout out to Kingy - The silence is defeaning. We’ve been nothing but nice to you Matthew. We would not like to have to reach you through your manager, that’s a little too impersonal. Reach out to us, we’ve given the WhackitCrackit a lot of publicity.
Hit us up on Facebook, iTunes, or on Twitter. Another option is to come over to us at the pub and shout us a turn on the NRL claw game.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Episode 4 - GET OVER HERE!

To Download Episode - CLICK HERE.

It's rep round and we're here to rep (razent).

We discuss:
  • Representative weekend - heavy on Geography, we re-plot borders as we please and suggest some extra games for the NRL. On the international side we discuss potential new powerhouse nations. It's got Obama's seal of approval!
  • Marketing 101 - either the AFL are marketing geniuses or the Carnival folk are conspiring against the NRL. We give Gallop and co a few ideas on how to market efficiently. There'll be free stuff in it for you...if you can catch from a shirt cannon.
  • Coffs Harbour's 'Lustrious' NRL Links - we talk Doggies sex scandal, Russell Crowe's one winning team, Kevin Gordon and the turf war between Souffs and the Titans. Go the Jetty Gettysbourgs!
  • Shout out to Kingy - Matthew King is a country gentlemen, mentor/inventor and general legend. Don't make us twitter Andrew Everingham. Once again we politely ask for your acquaintance Monsieur King.
  • Sorry in Advance as we tear shreds into one of the legends of the game, Brett Kenny. From his choice in clothes to his insistence on concrete as a beauty product, we suggest this gentlemen get some new management. Pay heed or the Channel 9 bigwigs may have to cancel NRL all together!
As always, your feedback is appreciated (especially if you are the NRL offering us a paltry $10 a week to invest in a cough button). Hit us up on Facebook, Twitter, and rate us on iTunes or come up to us at the pub and shout us a Canadian Club and Vom-Vom. Pass it round like its about to burn your fingers. 3,2,1.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Episode 3 - The Big Three

To Download Episode - CLICK HERE

They say "Third times a charm", but we say "Shlird flimes alarm" due to our inability to string together coherent sentences.

This Week we discuss the following:
  • Pros & Cons of 5 Captains - In a Souths scrum, the majority of the players are captains. So does this cause them to bind in more tightly? Also, is there value in a Captain/Coach?
  • Shout out to Kingy - Where for art thou Kingy? Please don't make us come to a Souths game & harass you.
  • Long player contracts - Titans have a bunch of long contracts & look where it got them. Though how could you turn down 5 years of being a 'Toolie' at schoolies week.
  • Flying under the radar - Should the Airforce enlist some of the teams in the NRL due to their inability to be detected?
  • The players formerly known as 'The Big 3' - Lobby lobs a hypothetical bomb regarding Cameron, Billy & Cooper. Also, the official renaming of 'The Big 3'.
  • Where are they now? - We did 46 hours of research to find out what the '97 Newcastle Knights team is up to these days. Did we say 46 hours? I meant 46 nanoseconds.
So, you can either mail our email (, face our Facebook or twit our Twitter to get your opinions across. Did i Say opinions? I meant "Shlirflinions".


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Episode 2 - Log Cabin Broadcast System

To download episode - CLICK HERE

Welcome to our second episode. It goes equally as well with marshmallows and cognac or Tooheys OLD and biltong.

This week we discuss:
  • Jumping on the bandwagon - We pick a team to temporarily adopt every couple of weeks. We might even sponsor them. This week its the....SHARKIES!!!
  • Television commentators (especially ex-players) are easy to pick apart. It’s not so easy pronouncing words correctly in our own vague attempt at an audition. Has Darren Lockyer had throat surgery? Would you buy a shirt off Wally Lewis?
  • Salary Cap Cops - The restaurant rorts continue and Ian Schubert continues to sit by idly. He could not be reached for comment on his hammock in the Cayman Islands
  • The Next Step - In the quest for a competitive edge, whats the next evolution in the game to give teams that extra inch. Jerseys? Hobo gloves? Hairstyles?
  • Specialist coaches - We think we’ve found an new job for former Bronco, Michael Hancock. We also discuss acting techniques on video ref calls.
  • Raiders vs the Storm - Lobby rants about Cameron Smith, Pedro gets all Da Vinci code on the Raiders win-loss ratio.
As always, you can hit us up on our email ( or Facebook or Twitter. Share it if you like it....Like the movie with that creepy Sixth Sense kid...”Pay it Forward”.
